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Walk On By lyrics

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song lyrics
Walk On By lyrics

I m coming down with a heartache tonight
Only you can make it all right
If I can be with you holding you tight
There won t be no more in my life

Every where I turn
I see your face
Reminding me of a higher place
Every time you smile
Angels cry
Every time you walk on by

I m not the only
Feeling lonely
Every time you walk on by
I try to say something
But end up with nothing
Every time you walk on by

(Every time you walk on by)

I keep my cool I pretend I m not here
Every time you come too near
I m such a fool cause, this love is true and
If I don t tell you someone else surely will

Every where I turn
I see your face
Reminding me of a higher place
Every time you smile
Angels cry
Every time you walk on by

I m not the only
Feeling lonely
Every time you walk on by
I try to say something
But end up with nothing
Every time you walk on by

(Feeling lonely)

If I ever see you again
This craziness must find an end
I look at you
I promise myself

I m not the only
Feeling lonely
Every time you walk on by
I try to say something
But end up with nothing
Every time you walk on by

I m not the only
Feeling lonely
Every time you walk on by
I try to say something
But end up with nothing
Every time you walk on by

Every time you walk on by
song lyrics

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